Specializing in Small Business IT since 1998
What do you have and what do you need going forward
Free evaluations. We check that your systems are backed up, secure, and up to date. Check the age of systems. Ask a lot of questions. What is too slow? What isn't working? What is? Then we recommend a range of options in easy to understand language.
20+ years of experience
To find problems and resolve them quickly.
Installation of new equipment
Computers, Printers, Servers, VoIP Telephony, Security Cameras, Virtual Private Networks, Internet Security, and distributed Wifi.
Custom systems to that do what you need them to do. No more. No less.
We evaluate your IT needs and build the system you need.
Wifi, LAN, VPN, Server, NAS
Microsoft server networks, peer-to-peer networks using workstations or NAS, cloud based systems. Whatever fits your business and your budget.
Training in language you can understand
Our goal is for you to understand your systems so you can use them comfortably and confidently.
Contact Us
Our customers are better served if we come to them. We don't have a store front. All work is done On-Site.
If you need to contact us we can be reached in the following ways.
Mailing Address
332 N. 67th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53213